How to create file-based feed

Go to the Products Feed tab and choose the feed type from the drop-down menu to create a file-based feed, as illustrated in Figure 1.

File feed creation
Figure 1

This will generate a feed template that is completely configured (Figure 2). The following actions would be:

  1. Choose the format for the feed;
  2. Configure product filter rules (optionally);
  3. Verify that the values of the fields meet your needs (optionally). To learn how to change fields, go here;
  4. Press the Save button.
Figure 2

After saving the feed template, click the Upload button to create the feed file. A link to the feed file will appear in the section below after the creation process is complete. The components displayed in Figure 3 are:

  1. Button to create profile copy
  2. Button to create/update feed file
  3. Button to delete feed file
  4. Button to delete template
  5. Feed type label
  6. An indicator of the number of feed file updates
  7. A label indicating the last time the feed file was updated
  8. A label indicating number of products included to feed by feed rules
  9. A label indicating number of product included into feed file
  10. A label indicating number of products excluded from feed file because of validation errors
  11. A feed file link
Feed controls
Figure 3

The Feed Errors table has a list of items (along with a description of each validation issue) (Figure 4).

Figure 4

When you have a feed file link, you can add it as a feed source for your preferred product listing. For Google Merchant Center, for instance, you must go to the Add product source page and add a link to a feed file, as Figure 5 illustrates.


Figure 5